Testing made possible by generous support from:

About this Site

Mini Quad Test Bench is the brainchild of QuadMcFly from RCGroups.  What started out as some fun weekend testing has turned into a much larger endeavor.  Data starting out on this thread in RCGroups needed a more permanent home, so this site was born.  If you are interested in contributing to the testing, website development, or any other aspect of Mini Quad Test Bench, please contact QuadMcFly via RCGroups.


If you would like to contribute to the efforts on Mini Quad Test Bench, you may do so here: 

Testing and Infrastructure Hardware Provided by Generous Donations from:


Primary Site Planning, Testing, Web/Hardware Design and Development

Ryan Harrell - QuadMcFly

YouTube - Facebook - AirVuz

Low Kv/High Voltage Testing and Analysis

Ryan Evens - rotorius

YouTube - Instagram

Writing and Data Analysis

Brian Bailey - babailey

Dyno Testing and Analysis

Mark Medrano - SiieeFPV


Web and Backend Development

Neil DeLillo - sporez